sabato 29 febbraio 2020

At the Cemetery

by Sandro D. Fossemò
Translated by Luca Palantrani
(Translated from Italian to English)

Old gravestones bid farewell
to wintry gloaming,
past eerie black gate
of a cemetery,
guardian of dreams and mysteries.

An Icy Kiss

by Sanrdo D. Fossemò

(Translated from Italian to English)

In the dungeons
of the abandoned castle,
my eternal companion 
is pierced by a freezing,
 penetrating cold.

giovedì 27 febbraio 2020

Wings in the Night

by Sanrdo D.  Fossemò

(Translated from Italian to English)

The noble mantle of the night
envelops the moon,
shining behind the black wings
of a bat.

The Night Wind

by Sandro D. Fossemò
Translated by Luca Palantrani

(Translated from Italian to English)

Through the rustle of trees
I hear a creepy melody...
Accompanies me
along the path.

The Black Cat

by Sandro D. Fossemò

(Translated from Italian to English)

In the forlorn darkness
of a thunderstorm,
a lightning pierces
like a spear
the heart of the night.

mercoledì 26 febbraio 2020


by Sandro D. Fossemò

                                                 (Translated from Italian to English)

I felt the pangs for blood.
At midnight,
in nocturnal Transylvania,
I rose from the tomb.

sabato 22 febbraio 2020

A Magical Christmas

by Sandro D. Fossemò
Translated by Luca Palantrani

(Translated from Italian to English)

Snowmen smile in severe chill,
without the warmth from the stars.
Reindeers draw sledges by the dense ice,
without the lead of a rebel.

giovedì 20 febbraio 2020

Christmas Emotions

by Sandro D. Fossemò

 (Translated from Italian to English)

The crib became a starry paradise,
where Jesus was born to kings’ delight.
The stable warms with me near,
where logs burn in the fireplace here.

Christmas Visions

by Sandro D. Fossemò 

                                                       (Translated from Italian to English)

The windows of a cathedral
light up with beautiful iridescent colours,
like the wings of the soul.

mercoledì 19 febbraio 2020

Christmas Eve

by Sandro D. Fossemò

(Translated from Italian to English)

The red tent frames
the lively and vivid painting
of the Christmas landscape,
on the faintly foggy glass
of the window.

A Toast At Dawn

by Sandro D. Fossemò

(Translated from Italian to English)

In an ancient village,
the statues and chapels
are steeped in snow.
In that white desert
blossoms a red rose.

martedì 18 febbraio 2020

Waiting Angel

by Sandro D. Fossemò 
(Translated by Luca Palantrani) 

(Translated from Italian to English)

Dear friend,
you must not be sad.
Do not fear death.
Smile at those tears.
Listen to the golden bells,
that play merrily from the snowy valley.
No joy is greater than Christmas.